Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What a morning...

Ok, some days i feel like i don't get anything accomplished and it's already noon! So i stopped and thought of what i have done so far this morning- reality check!

Watered plants
Filled fountains
Trimmed sage plants in front & picked up olives
Off to the garden picked tomatoes  & peppers-need to bring tape to fix drips on the next trip up
Came home Maggie & me took shower
Roasted tomatoes & made salsa
Canned 6 jars of Basil tomatoe sauce
Cleaned up my "briefcase" on my computer
Sent email to Exile about Grandpa selling his boat & truck
Did the dishes
Made labels for canning jars

And it is now 12:10...ok i guess i did do a few things ......slacker...

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