Can you see the forest in all the trees.....i always seem to over plant! The garden is packed! I crammed the tomatoes at the rear of the garden so we would have room for melons but decided it wasn't enough room so we got another plot. Needless to say the tomatoes are crammed and overflowing past the fence, we may have to even re-fence the plot due to the weight of them. Here is a few notes regarding the ones planted for my reference for the fall planting & next year.
Taxi- yellow- always good though was not as productive this year due to overcrowding
Cherokee Purple- ok but not as fruitful as others a bit over rated
Ceodsa- still waiting for them to ripen ....
Dwarf Roselle Purple- dark rosy purple- could have a whole field of these! Awesome!
Prince Borgehese- red- very prolific has taken over the whole corner good meaty sauce tomatoe needs LOTS of room- only plant one! continues producing in the heat
Pink Honey- great tomatoe very prolific
Striped German- another great heirloom very prolific
Frankenstein Black- Awesome-WOW!
Pinky Tuscano- awesome flavor heirloom bubble shape-keeps going even in the heat
Early Girl- only because i wanted to add in a non homegrown plant needless to say there was nothing "early" about them
Pink Honey? different shape possible mismarked?- bit of a disappointment large teardrop shape just now ripening have not tasted one as of yet the plant is loaded the heat though may prevent them from ripening
Kortena Dwarf- very good bright red medium size tomato might be one to grow again next year not a large amount but steady producer
Well i also have 3 or 4 no name year i think i will do tags on the top of the cages as when they get larger it is harder to remember what is what. This is only the tomatoes! Also in the same plot is basil/celery/cukes/sunflowers/green & yellow beans and yellow squash.....
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