Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Early morning....

Another beautiful morning at the garden i guess i do kind of live there but every morning is another surprise. With barely enough charge in my camera he sat and waited for me to try 3x to take his picture before he flew away. See the roadrunner on top of the 8ft sunflower!
Finally sent Dad's father day present out hope it makes it intact will see what he thinks of Robert's beer it probably will be a bit strong. I booked flights to go in October to see them, Dad called like 3x yesterday he has now sold the boat, the truck and continues to sell fishing stuff daily. Won't seem like the same house without them in the garage. Told him i will have to get a loan from him all this money he is raking in to pay for the new ice maker we have to get installed this week in the frig. Another nail in the "GE" brand coffin!

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