Another busy week so glad i have my new phone to keep me organized
Monday-Conference call with Hands on Greater phoenix & then Shade tree prepping for the folders at the Valley Permiculture
Tuesday- Master gardener class
Wednesday-First day of school @ MCC then Composting class that evening
Thursday- phx Urban garden, Manor Garden and then city council meeting
Friday- Crown! and that was all for the day I always get wiped out from the numbing gel and then the shot never the work...just the drugs. Quickest 656.00 every spent but a cracked tooth what can you do i don't have that many left.
And now that brings us to Friday evening doing bills and credit card balances while poor Robert is pluggin away at work. He has been there now for 14 hours this Starbucks will be the death of him if he keeps up this pace. I hope resolution comes soon for his sake.
I am hoping to get some pictures posted and more work in the gardens maybe just maybe summer is starting to stop this exhausting heat. All this week it has been 113 high and 90 low...except today and thunderstorms are coming- keep our fingers crossed. I almost forgot i got a massive crack on my poor little new bug :( Monday i will be getting a new windshield with only 4700 miles on the car...i will need to stay FAR away from all vehicles, though living in Arizona no matter how small or big you are every summer here comes the rocks! The kid also got stung by a bee on his ear...he called all hyper wanting to know if he was allergic as his Dad was. Apparently he made it thru without having to go the emergency room, though stated he was in lots of pain. Bee stings to me are like mosquito bites...they don't bite me very often maybe 2x and all the gardens i am in though i don't mess with them and they don't mess with me. I just let them buzz all around me. Well off to bed early morning volunteer at the Volunteer Garden party at 2nd st and Glendale 7am!
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