Thursday, August 8, 2013

Manor garden

Planted tomatoes this morning oh i hope the heat won't take them down as much as the residents like to water they may get water logged though! Garden is looking good the pepper plants are perking up even have flowers the sweet potatoe vine is going to town let's just hope some potatoes are growing in that dirt. Here some updated shots.

The roses are doing great even setting blooms in this heat.

The ants are gone from the melons with the thanks from Margo who sprayed them with vinegar & water.

Here is their new sign i am working on...

Each person represents a group-VP Culture, Garden Lead, Residents and Hands on Greater Phoenix. Now i need to draw it - paint it and hang it- i hope they like it. I was looking for something that would represent all groups but be very unbiased and not "overly garden" oriented as it is more getting the people together everything else falls into place once that occurs..

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