Thursday, August 1, 2013

Manor Gardens..

Linda was to do a class on attendance. Let's hope i have a better attendance when i do my class in two weeks. Dee and Margo came out to the garden helped pull grass and sit and "garden gossip".
Marty's watermelon are taking off he has 3 or 4 big ones. He even shared them with Dee, though she accepted graciously, she promptly threw them out afraid Marty might try to poison her. Just another day at Washington Manor.

The cantaloupes took off though if you look closely there are little black fire ants all over them. I told Dee that is probably why they are still there and haven't disappeared.
And we FINALLY have a flower on the eggplant. The raised beds are not just not meant for Phoenix. Hopefully Saturday we will be tilling....hopefully :)

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