Wednesday, July 17, 2013

melons oh my!

Last nite we sampled some of the melons here's the update...

Edens Gem- honeydew melon- WOW so sweet and yummy! i picked 2 thought they were kinda small until i reread the back of the seed package- softball size melons which means probably have 6 or 7 more ready to be picked!

Early Hanover- muskmelon-again another smaller melon 2 to 3 pds...the one we had was almost ripe it was ok

Collective Farm Woman-another 2pd size melon it was a bit crunchier than the others which was ok just different

Moon & Stars-watermelon- Robert really liked this one it was ok i think it could have gotten a bit sweeter and boy big melon seeds...Maggie really liked it!

Sweet baby-personal watermelon size-MMMMMM wow yummy sweet and small seeds so you can just eat them. I know the old wives tale my dad used to tell me if you eat a watermelon seed one will grow in your belly...and he would point out pregnant about freaking a kid out! Needless to say i made sure i never ate a seed!

Still waiting for that okra looks great and green but still no okra...i know patience...

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