Sunday, May 18, 2014

Almost 3 months have passed by...

Way to busy with class at MCC and life! I have not entered a picture or anything since March, how am i supposed to remember all i have done if I don't write it down...suppose i need to remember that first.

Sooo what has happened since March:

Both garden were planted for spring, tomaotes are not as abundant as they were last year. Not sure what the issue has been, it has been a very dry spring no rain and no humidity. Have had a lot of blossom drop and even some plants just up and die. I rotate every year between the three gardens? Once the potatoes are done and the melons and squash plan on turning the first plot and possible put in a cover crop. Problem is i will have tomatoe starters ready to go in August...

School is over until fall took the following classes:

Irrigation Design- B+
Soil Science- B
Plant Biology- A+

Would have been wonderful to have straight a's...but it has been a long time since i hae been to school and well college even. This fall i have signed up for 4 hoping i can carry a B+ or better thru all of them.

Landscape Design
Grounds Mgt
Urban Plant care & ID
Indoor Foliage Plants

Let's hope that it is not too much of a load as i still need to play in the dirt as well as continue to push for Maggie May Kookies!
And we made it official in the eyes of the state on 4/1/2014 and got "hitched" never thought i would do that again huh!

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