Wednesday, September 4, 2013

110 is back...

so are we, back in AZ. Tired...back to school and homework volunteer projects oh my...piles of laundry and dishes! Need a nap had to turn the air down to 82..couldn't do the 84 today....

Bad news/Good news i got a 90 on my paper / homework for class but ...would have gotten a hundred if i had remembered in 3 questions...gloves...gloves and more gloves! Thought we were getting a test in soil today but no she tested us for flowers soil is next week..will see how we do on that one. Tests have never been my "highlite" hoping i get better as i go!

Great news we got another gardener! Yeah! and we are up to 90 likes...started with 32 when i took over facebook in March...but the best is the picture Michelle's daughter got of our mascot! and we finally got a city sign recognizing the garden....such milestones in one week!

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