Well and there you have it 6 months has gone by........
School is out got straight A's -YEAH!! Signed up for fall classes.
Still working at Elgin-learning alot and do enjoy it even though i have a new "young" assistant for the summer months.
Garden is in and producing tomatoes and almost ready for the next season-fall planting!
Exile & Marnie and the kids doing much better he is back working so is Marnie. Wish they lived closer by so we could see each other more-will keep pushing to get over there at least once a month.
Maggie's nose after 6 months of different meds i think - i hope- has finally recouped and is better. Though last month she got her tail caught in the door and it looks a little tweaked we still love her to death!
Went on a 12day road trip thru NM/TX/LA/AR/MO/KS with the knob-she adapted really well to our new little rooms every night and drives during the day. Saw Mom & Dad briefly...out chased a tornado and found Fredericksburg TX love that town maybe someday even move there....
Time flys by :)