Friday, October 11, 2013

Garden Patch....

                      Finally planted only have the third plot left to do!

Golden beets
dwarf blue kale
lil finger carrots
lavewa spinach
easter egg radishes
Bordeaux spinach
blooming spinach
dragon carrots
strawberry spinach
elephant garlic
yellow beans
red detroit beets
red onions
waldman dark green lettuce
red tip lettuce
r & G buttercrunch
garnet rose
freckle romaine
green ice
chef gourmet spicy mix
mesclun /green mix
scarlet carrots
crystal white onions marigolds
already in plot:
spring green onions
fairytale eggplant
purple eggplant
morning glories

Lets hope all the seeds come up!

left some space in this garden.......
4 tomatoe plants in the raised bed-morgage lifter/roma/
red onions
cheddar cauliflower
purple cauliflower
white cauliflower
red cabbage
golden beets
heirloom beets

now onto the third plot.... will be planting fava beans this weekend plus a few herbs but waiting until i get back home to plant the other raised bed as well as carrots inbetween the rows in the other garden.

Roselle Hibiscus- Manor gardens

Beautiful and you can eat the tender leaves in a salad and make jam with the flowers or tea! Loving the spot we moved it to in Manor Gardens- hope Margo ventures into making tea from it.
Manor garden fall planted until i get back to plant more at the end of the month then we had a water main pipe blow! Yikes water everywhere hopefully we can get someone to repair it quickly!

Mud Bog for Maggie May-

Before the "cool down" to the high 80's she finally realized hanging out under the
fruit trees was better than sitting in the sun watching me plant seeds!
          Once home and showered her lady like manners came!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

More fingers attempting to disappear...

Well stitches came off finger today i ended up getting an allergic reaction to something possible the adhesives let's hope it is not infected! Little red bumps all over my finger.
Then tonight i decided to slice my right pinky with the food processor blade, at least this was a sharp blade no pain lots of blood...clean cut should hopefully heal once i get it to stop bleeding! At this rate by next year i would have gotten every finger in one shape or another! Yikes staying away from sharp instruments!